Lawyers in Kyrgyzstan get access to materials with state secrets

2018-11-14 09:15

Lawyers will be able to participate in proceedings where cases involving state secrets are considered. The day before, the Constitutional Chamber under the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan ruled that non-admission of defenders to the accused of disclosing state secrets and espionage is contrary to the Basic Law, Media Policy Institute reported.

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the state secrets

Kyrgyz Customs launches Sanarip Tamga project in pilot mode

The State Customs Service of Kyrgyzstan, with the support of Facilitation of Trade Procedures in Central Asia program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), has launched a project on electronic interaction of state bodies at the border on the basis of Dostuk checkpoint at South-Western Customs on December 11. Press service of the state agency reported. »

2020-12-12 07:20

Kyrgyzstan has no Tablighi Jamaat cells, but followers of organization

To ban the religious organization Tablighi Jamaat in Kyrgyzstan, information about its activities in the country and the proposals of the relevant state bodies are needed. The Director of the State Commission on Religious Affairs, Zair Ergeshov, announced at a round table discussion «Role of Media in Informational Support of State Policy in Religious Sphere.» »

2019-02-14 13:34