Kyrgyzstan actively working in field of digital integration, PM believes

2019-2-1 12:23

«Since the very first days of joining the Eurasian Economic Union, Kyrgyzstan has been actively working in the field of digital integration,» the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said today speaking at a plenary session of a forum «Digital Agenda in the Era of Globalization 2.0» in Almaty (Kazakhstan).

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the kyrgyzstan digital

Delegation of State Duma of Russia arrives in Kyrgyzstan to observe elections

A delegation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation headed by Konstantin Zatulin and the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots arrived in Kyrgyzstan to participate in international observation of the elections to the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the Institute of CIS Countries reported. »

2020-10-02 15:22

President of Kazakhstan to pay state visit to Kyrgyzstan in November

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will pay a state visit to Kyrgyzstan in November. This became known during a meeting of the Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Dastanbek Dzhumabekov with the Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin at the fourth meeting of Speakers of Parliaments of the countries of Eurasia. »

2019-09-24 14:48

Kyrgyzstan - country with low creditworthiness

Kyrgyzstan is a country with a low level of creditworthiness and quality of the credit climate. Rating agency RAEX assessed the sovereign rating of the government of Kyrgyzstan at B level, and the rating of the credit climate - at B-. Official website of the company says. »

2018-01-22 12:39

Only one company exports gold ore from Kyrgyzstan

Only one company - Vertex Gold - exports gold ore from Kyrgyzstan. Head of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use Duishenbek Zilaliyev stated at the meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. »

2017-04-25 09:02

Pakistan interested in cooperation with Kyrgyzstan

Pakistan is interested in partnership with Kyrgyzstan in such spheres as medicine, pharmaceuticals industry, IT technologies, agriculture, and also in the mining industry. Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of this country stated at a meeting with delegation of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the Parliament said. »

2017-03-15 13:20

Upgrading of veterinary laboratories in Kyrgyzstan controlled by Russia

Upgrading of veterinary laboratories in Kyrgyzstan is under control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. This was stated during a visit of the Chairman of State Customs Service of Kyrgyzstan Azamat Sulaimanov and the head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Vladimir Bulavin to the National Centre for Veterinary Diagnosis and Expertise. »

2017-02-28 11:27

Карина Малая представит Кыргызстан на международном конкурсе красоты «Top Model Of The World 2016» в Китае

Бишкек, 30 сентября /Айжамал Дуйшоева - Кабар/. Карина Малая представит Кыргызстан на международном конкурсе красоты Top Model Of The World 2016, который пройдет в городе Шэньчжэнь (Китай). »

2016-09-30 06:57

Бегимай Карыбекова представит Кыргызстан на международном конкурсе красоты "Top Model Of The World 2016" в Германии

Бишкек, 11 августа /Айжамал Дуйшоева - Кабар/. 18-летняя Бегимай Карыбекова представит Кыргызстан на международном конкурсе красоты Top Model Of The World 2016, который пройдет с 18 по 27 августа в Германии. »

2016-08-11 12:10