Authorities and media. Fight or cooperation?

2018-1-8 12:15

Several media outlets turned out to be on the verge of closure due to millions in fines following the decisions of different courts in Kyrgyzstan. This became an indirect result of criticism against the authorities.

One journalist was even almost imprisoned for several years only because he had inadvertently spoken out against religion in his book, and the work of one of the TV channels was almost paralyzed by a prompt decision on an economic dispute, where, by the way, the media itself turned out to be a third person. .

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the out media

$10 out of 37 million spent on Upper Naryn HPP

«Not more than $ 10 million out of $ 37 million were spent on Upper Naryn cascade of hydropower plants. Our commission found out this," MP Almambet Shykmamatov said at the meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial and Legal Issues, Regulations of the Parliament, where the results of the work of the deputy commission on the use of funds by the joint venture «Upper Naryn HPPs» CJSC were considered. »

2017-05-23 10:46