Agreement with Kazakhstan on gasoline: Completion of procedures awaited

2019-7-12 11:43

«For the development of the fuel and energy complex, Kyrgyzstan is interested in resolving the issue of supply of oil and oil products from Kazakhstan,» Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said today at an expanded meeting of the Kyrgyz-Kazakh Intergovernmental Council.

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agreement with kazakhstan gasoline completion procedures awaited

Agreement with Centerra – great result of negotiations for Kyrgyzstan

«This is a great result for us. It is very important that the agreement lasts long and is carried out by both parties. We often change the government, and everything starts anew, we can’t be having that,» board member of the Kyrgyz Mining Association Valentin Bogdetsky said, commenting on new agreements between Centerra and the Kyrgyz government. »

2017-09-08 08:19

Agreement of Centerra with government can attract new investors to Kyrgyzstan

«The less conflict fields, the better the dialogue, the sooner the positive investment climate in the country is formed and it becomes more attractive for foreign partners,» head of the Association of Markets, Service and Trade Enterprises Sergei Ponomarev said, commenting on the agreements reached between the Kyrgyz government and Centerra. »

2017-09-07 12:32